2024 Thankful Notes Week 1

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States I decided to again share the Thankful Notes that I gathered from guests on A Quilter’s Life this past year.  2023 was the first year I tried this and it was fun to gather these notes from each guest to be able to share such positive praises.

It was surprising when I looked at the list of guests that some of these were recorded almost a year ago, because it seems like we just chatted yesterday.

I think last year many of us enjoyed playing along as we listened to the Thankful Notes to see how many of the guests we remembered.  Let’s do it again.  If you’re following A Quilter’s Life on Social Media go ahead and type in the number of guests that you remembered.  

Below I have the list of guests with links to contact them along with  a link to their episode if you missed their story.

I want to thank each guest that shared what they were thankful for.  This was so much fun to include in the interview process.

The Thankful Notes are broken down into four episodes.  Three of these episodes will be the guests and the fourth will be Guthrie and I sharing our Thanksgiving for 2024.  This first episode will have the first 10 guests.


Connect with Susan Smith

Website:  Stitched By Susan

Facebook:  StitchedBySusan

Instagram:  stitchedbysusan

Pinterest:  Sitched By Susan / Long arm quilter & teacher

YouTube:  StitchedBySusan

Susan’s Episode


Connect with Sarah Fulks

Website: SnuggleBugStitching

Instagram: snugglebugstitching

Facebook: Snugglebugstitching

Etsy: SnuggleBugStitching

Sarah’s Episode


Connect with Audra Rasnake on her Etsy Shop

In The Sanctuary

Audra’s Episode


Connect with Tori McElwain

Website: The Quilt Patch by Tori

FaceBook: Tori McElwain

Instagram: quilt_patch

And Tori’s YouTube – Coffee Chats with Quilters

Tori’s Episode


Connect with Andi Stanfield

Website:  True Blue Quilts

Facebook:  True Blue Quilts

Instagram:  truebluequilts

Pinterest:  True Blue Quilts

YouTube:  True Blue Quilts

Andi’s Episode


And check out Quilting on the Side with Andi and Tori!

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Connect with Sheila Squires

Facebook: Sew ‘n Bee Cozy

Short video of Sew ‘n Bee Cozy on A Quilter’s Life YouTube Channel

Sheila’s Episode


Connect with Jen Frost

Website: Faith and Fabric

Facebook: Faith and Fabric

Instagram: Faith and Fabric

Pinterest: Jen Frost / Faith and Fabric

YouTube: Faith and Fabric

Also check out Jen’s 2024 Scripture Quilts Awards!

Jen’s Episode


Elsie Coleman 

Elsie’s Episode


Connect with Erin Grogan

Website: Love Sew Modern

Instagram: lovesewmodern

Facebook: Love Sew Modern

Pinterest: Erin Grogan – Love Sew Modern

Erin’s Episode


Connect with Karlee Porter

Website: Karlee Porter

Instagram: karleeporterdesign

Facebook: Karlee Porter Design

Pinterest: Karlee Porter

YouTube: Karlee Porter

Karlee’s Episode