Robin Koehler

Quilting has changed Robin Koehler’s life in so many ways and she gets the most joy out of inspiring others!  I had so much fun hearing her story as well as finding out how Nestlings by Robin came about.  Robin’s main focus is being a quilt designer and teacher.  But she also does hand quilting…

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Brandy Maslowski

I found a list of the top 25 quilting podcasts, so I took a look to see if A Quilter’s Life was listed. It was. I also found another quilting podcast called The Quilter on Fire Podcast by Brandy Maslowski. I was so happy to find another quilting podcast that I enjoyed listening to. So I reached out to…

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Lin McQuiston

I’m so glad that Lin McQuiston contacted me after her guild members Carolyn Burgess and Betsy Bauman had been interviewed. Lin and I had a wonderful time visiting. Have you ever journaled about what was going on in your life while making a quilt? It helped Lin realize how her quilt got her through the best of…

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Raymond Houston

When I first saw one of Raymond Houston’s quilts it mesmerized me. I just wanted to follow the loops his blocks created. He uses the operations of symmetry and a single patch to create his very unique patchwork quilts. Raymond is an author, designer & textile artist at Nacho Grandma’s Quilts. While enjoying his retirement he’s making quilts and…

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Deb Luttrell

I think Deb Luttrell has found the balance between keeping quilting as a hobby and running a successful quilt shop. Even with owning the largest quilt shop in Texas, she has her own quilting cabin behind her home where she can work on the projects she wants for her hobby. Also, in spite of all of her…

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