Megan Fowler

When Megan Fowler is not behind a sewing machine or chasing a toddler, you can find her enjoying the Colorado outdoors.  Yet if that wasn’t enough she is running not only one quilty business, but two!  Megan’s dream for Modern Moon Quilt Studio is to marry her special love for vintage design and her fondness for modern quilting to be able share her version of modern nostalgia with the quilting world.  Then not long ago she created Quilt Scouts to bring quilting adventures to quilters.  She hopes to encourage us to step out of our comfort zone and try something new in a fun way.

Here’s a couple of Megan’s patterns

Happy Camper

Hey Scout

Some of the badges available at Quilt Scouts

  Connect with Megan

Modern Moon Quilt Studio

Website: Modern Moon Quilt Studio

Instagram: modernmoonquiltstudio

Quilt Scouts

Website: Quilt Scouts

Instagram: quiltscoutsofamerica

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