Melissa Struttmann

It was fun to realize that this episode would be released during the week of Melissa Struttmann’s open house celebrating Osage Hills Retreat’s 2-year anniversary. Melissa has put so much thought, work, and love into creating a wonderful place for crafters to gather. She has learned through her life with the excellent work she has accomplished to bring all her expertise together. You can easily see this in the events that she offers at Osage Hills Retreat. Please take a moment to look at her episode page on A Quilter’s Life website to see her quilt that four generations worked on. Notice in the picture of the quilt there’s the little black sewing machine that she used on that project.
Here’s Melissa’s favorite quilt that four generations worked on
Connect with Melissa about Osage Hills Retreat
Website: Osage Hills Retreat
Facebook: Osage Hills Retreat
Instagram: osagehillsretreat
Pinterest: Osage Hills Retreat
TikTok: osagehillsretreat
Yelp: Osage Hills Retreat
And here’s her links for Osage Hills Quilting
Website: Osage Hills Quilting
Facebook: Osage Hills Quilting
Instagram: osagehillsquilting
Etsy: OsageHillsQuilting