Janellea Macbeth

I was so happy to be contacted by Janellea Macbeth after Tammy Silvers had given her my information. Janellea is a quilting author, speaker, and thought leader. Jan’s system for cutting, storing, and using scraps evolved into her wonderful book ScrapStashtic Quilts.

Check out Janellea’s website

And her book ScrapStashtic Quilts

Also, Thanks again to Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis for the connection.


  1. Janellea Macbeth on 09/14/2020 at 2:23 PM

    Thank you so much for interviewing me!!! This was a joy!

    • Paula Chamberlain on 09/29/2020 at 11:56 PM

      Thank You, Janellea, for allowing me to interview you!

  2. Mary Archibald on 09/14/2020 at 5:20 PM

    As Janellea’s mother I am pleased to relive all the reminiscing. I’m also pleased to have been such an inspiration for her. As a 39 year 4H leader I hope to have inspired all the other kids I’ve taught.
    Jan has taken what I taught her, and carried it far beyond my own experience.
    I’m so proud of my daughter ‘s accomplishments. Love you Janellea.

    • Paula Chamberlain on 09/29/2020 at 11:58 PM

      Mary, I’m so happy you enjoyed this interview. You have a great daughter! Felt like I got to hear a teaser of your story and hope to hear it some day.

  3. Laura on 09/17/2020 at 7:59 PM

    What a fun podcast! I enjoyed hearing about the process and how early Janellea began quilting in life. I loved how she answered the questions and kept going, adding more and more fun stories. Overall a very entertaining and informative hour.

  4. Paula Chamberlain on 09/30/2020 at 12:00 AM

    Yes, Laura. Janellea was able to describe her life very well. It was such a fun interview! Thanks for listening!

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