Nancy Kay Grace

Pastor’s wife, Bible teacher, encourager, redeemed perfectionist. All these describe Christian speaker and author Nancy Kay Grace.  Although quilter isn’t listed along with her description for her speaking engagements, Nancy did take a quilting class and learned so much from it.  She has come through quite the life changing experience and I knew you’d want…

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Danelle Howard

When I told Danelle Howard that her episode should be published on Valentine’s Day, she responded, “That’s perfect, I’m a florist.  I won’t be able to get nervous, I’ll be too busy.”  Danelle is a maker of “things that have stories.”  So we enjoyed chatting and hearing her story.  She also has Cottage Path Quilting…

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Susan Palmer

If you leave the ‘ers’ out of my web address you’ll end up on Susan Palmer’s A Quilt Life website.  It’s so great to know that we can work together as quilters!  You’ll easily see that she lives up to her mission statement of to create, grow and support the quilting and art community. You…

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Sarah Fulks

Sarah Fulks loves the sense of accomplishment she feels every time she finishes a quilt.  A couple of years ago she started SnuggleBugStitching to make custom quilts.  On her blog she offers great advice and it’s also where you can find her wonderful quilt patterns she has available. You can find Sarah at Blog: SnuggleBugStitching…

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Lora Zmak

When I saw a post on Facebook about Lora Zmak finding out her quilt had been in the Let It Snow Halmark Christmas movie, I reached out to find out more about her.  We had so much fun together.  Since the time of her quilt being in the movie, Lora and her twin sister, Lisa,…

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